ABV: 5.8 percent
Appearance: If i would sit here and type out that Dortmunder Gold was any shade or chroma other than what's described in the brew's title we should just stop the review right in its tracks. As a matter of fact, this beer had a beautiful golden color that was comprised of some oranges, yellows and light browns. It also had the appearance of some haze which I felt gave the beer some strength. The head was a bright white and looked thick and fluffy. It seemed fueled by some impressively large carbonation bubbles and ended up giving way to tons of fluffy lace inside the glass.
Smell: Very clean and crisp aroma, overall. It was malty and toasty. I picked up a little bit of caramel even. The hops were surprisingly present, too. They smelled quite floral.
Taste: Here's where we bring everything home. Some light caramel tempted my tongue up front. That was complimented by the toasty and bread-like malty tones that followed. The finish was very floral and a tad bitter, but just right. There was an aftertaste of that sweet caramel that started everything off. The carbonation bubbles bustled and created an awesome texture that was surprisingly light despite the strength I seemed to notice in the appearance.
Overall Rating:
This is one of my all-time favorites. One that gives Anchor Steam a run for its money! Looks strong, but plays light. Sweet, but toasty. Still retains some crispness. Very clean. Not too bitter. The perfect balance of everything. Sometimes I wonder why more breweries don't make more Dortmunder.
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