January 21, 2014

Subjective Suds

I think that it deserves mentioning on this blog at the very least, (it's not like others have already beat me to the punch because I'm sure they have) but Logan over at Blog About Beer hit the nail on the head this weekend with his Top 5 Beers in the World post. Please check it out before reading the rest back here.
I think anyone that's blogged for any amount of time in any spectrum or topic has made lists. As Logan pointed out, we as a society are obsessed with them. I'm no exception. I've been guilty in the two-plus years that I've posted on this blog. I always had my top-50 or so brews that I've been able to try over the years in the bar under my header image. I've since removed it. The entire list became harder and harder to compile, maintain and update. Still, you can probably find the entire ranking post somewhere on here if you dig deep enough, but be warned that it's far from being current.

His five are pretty much perfect choices as they aren't actual beers, but more like figurative ones. If I had to actually come up with an answer to his question of "What's your top-5?" I'm sure I can only go with having a beer that evokes pleasant memories. Maybe an event with family and friends or a sensual experience with food. Hell, they both can even play hand-in-hand!

The biggest point I took from the post linked earlier is that Logan said that beer is subjective. That is something I've hammered away at since I started writing this blog. It shows it's head once again. Taste and perspective don't have universal laws that say this is what you like and enjoy. It's all up to yourself.

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