January 22, 2014

Beer Review: Southern Tier Krampus

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: Nine percent

Appearance: This poured a deep copper color. After reading "Helles Lager" on the front of the label I was shocked to see something in the amber range pour out of this bottle. Fooled by that imperial word once again. The head had a thick and creamy appearance. It came off as very fluffy. Almost like clouds or a pillow. This, in turn, ended up leaving some thick and web-like lacing. It was tough to notice the carbonation bustling around, but a closer look unveiled it.

Smell: This was intensely sweet and spicy. It almost had a wintery smell to it. Quite reminiscent of a winter warmer. There was also a layer of intense malt character. This was probably responsible for some of the sweetness. It was almost like sweet candy.

Taste: This mainly had a dark and roasty profile to it. Kind of like overdone toast. It was also kind of tangy. There was a vigorous showing of hops towards the back that was mid-way to the rest of the way back. This tasted very out of place in the brew. My mouth was partially saturated by that hop flavor for the rest of the drink. Nothing really mixed well in this. Most flavors seemed out of place.

Overall Rating:  photo RatingIcon1_zps0e61d2c9.png photo RatingIcon2BW_zps4fdb7f9f.png photo RatingIcon3BW_zps33c6fb82.png photo RatingIcon4BW_zps114f02d0.png photo RatingIcon5BW_zpsa8503bce.png

When I think Helles Lager I think clear, gold and crisp. Maybe some cracker and malt tastes. Not dark, roasty and hops. Good lord. The beer has a lovely color and looks great, but I can't remember any drink in my life where I was as confused as when I had this. Nothing worked well together. It was almost as if each component of the taste  didn't belong there.

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