February 4, 2014

Beer Review: Atlantic Coal Porter

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: 6.5 percent

Appearance: Here we find ourselves with yet another brew that if it didn't have the color similar to that of its title we'd have a problem. Luckily, everything ended up just right for this one. The color of the body was in deed coal black! It also boasted some golden brown hues. The head rose to a thickness of about a half-inch and appeared to be somewhere in between a white and a beige. It did look flat after the initial pour, but after foaming up it did leave a ring of foam entirely across the glass without any breaks.

Smell: Very dark, but with some interesting layers. I got plenty of cocoa and roast. Behind that came some sweeter and darker malts.

Taste: I was bombarded with some cocoa and dark chocolate up front. I haven't come across too many porters that had a layer of cocoa and one with darker chocolate playing off of one another. The dark chocolate became more prevalent and noticeable about mid-way back. It was at this point that some robust coffee flavors came out and combined with the dark malts perfectly. I think this assisted in the roasty and bitter after taste I got after each of my sips of this brew.

Overall Rating:  photo RatingIcon1_zps0e61d2c9.png photo RatingIcon2_zpsff51de97.png photo RatingIcon3_zps6147479d.png photo RatingIcon4_zps8072c052.png photo RatingIcon5_zps6e4351aa.png

This was an aged beer on my part. If you grab one of these today you're likely to see a completely re-branded bottle. I couldn't find anything wrong with this. It definitely was complex for a porter, which we get used to being basic and not featuring quite as many layers of flavor. Different chocolate tastes and some robust and bitter coffee notes. A good beer.

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