February 27, 2014

Holy Thursday: Indulge in More Than Just Text

"Turneth the page of said scripture, indulge in more of what you chose to indulge."

I'll tell you what. These seem to get more and more obscure each week as I make them up. Good beer goes with almost anything. Family gatherings, before and during sporting events or paired with a good meal. Sometimes you can even use it to enhance relaxing situations. One of my favorites is having a few while reading a good book. If you know me well enough you know by now that I just don't mean a book. I mean a history book.

My obsession with things and people in history is well-known. So, when I say "history book" you've got good odds if you are familiar with my historical sub-obsession and guess Gettysburg. I can sometimes get on a roll with reading about the genre and having a few good beers go perfectly with doing so. I can evenly pace myself between drinks. I usually take a sip every so number of pages. It's amazing relaxation. The only thing being exerted or stimulated is the mind. You're interacting with your book as well as enjoying the intricacies of the beer you're drinking.

I've done myself a disservice by not keeping up on my reading and for that I'm not too happy about. I guess many factors can be attributed as to why. A completely new schedule to start the new year is the main culprit.

I gave the forgotten relaxing scenario some thought this week and it even caused me to miss being in Adams County. I only get a certain number of days when I get the chance to go, but boy do I miss it. How I miss the battlefield, the quaintness of the town and the growing beer scene. Oh, and the new Battlefield Brew Works just off of the York Road which has been growing mightily if you follow the Facebook page.

I just love how those two interests of mine have become forever intertwined. I was born to have both play integral roles in my life and to be able to sit and enjoy both is great. Not only were both interests passed down in my family, but the battle was one that I took to early as a child. It also helped that the film adaptation of The Killer Angels came out during my childhood years. The film reignited interest on the battlefield and also provided us with some great music. Check out this piece that wasn't on the original soundtrack. It took me years to finally find what it was.

So, this weekend I intend on continuing the tradition of reading and beer.

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