February 17, 2014

Monday Rant: Hide the Booze

I don't think I've ever noticed what I did Saturday night when I went in to grab a few drinks and dinner at one of my favorite local pubs. I always turn and squint at the calk board that lists whats on-tap and the ABV's of each offering is also etched alongside each brew. For whatever reason I love that they're always written sloppy. One of those traditional things I guess. Oh boy did I notice something. Something that is an odd, but dangerous trend that could be going on in craft beer.

At least half of the brews on the chalkboard were seven percent or above! Which led me to my next thought - I've seen this a lot of the places I frequent. It's not just an isolated thing. Brewers are putting out more potent brews. Brews that also seem to hide the alcohol quite well.

I mean we've all been there, even before we learned to take ABV's into account when selecting what we're drinking.  We've also had that time when we have a few with our dinner and wonder where that loose feeling came from. The we look at the ABV and said wow it sure didn't taste like it.

I remember when there was a big fuss over an article or column about the winification of craft beer. Well, seeing half of the beers offered close to eight or nine percent alcohol looks more like we're going a little closer towards liqour than we need to be. I'm alright with the current boldness of craft beer. We have plenty of brews that up the ABV scale just like the ones I saw on Saturday. I just hope that brewers don't go on another "let's out-do the other" phase as they've been so prone to do. How much farther do we really need to go? It's fine as is. Let's retain the status quo!

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