February 14, 2014

Beer Review: Lagunitas Maximus

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: 8.2 percent

Appearance: Maximus had a chroma of a very vivid orange/amber color. There was also a bit of sediment that stirred up as soon as I poured it. So, I'm not sure how long this sat in the cooler where I purchased the bottle. There also wasn't much carbonation at this point, but the bubbles did appear and slowly rise a little while after. The head was a bit volatile at first because the foam funneled over the rim of the glass, but once it settled it was fluffy and bright white. It was also quite sticky.

Smell: In the aroma department, this beer seemed very potent. There were generous amounts of both pine and resin. These two aspects seemed to drown out anything else that might have been present. The scents were on levels of sinus destruction for me, but this is a double IPA.

Taste: I was once again bombarded with the pine and resin flavors. Both of these were really intense for me. I thought for a second that a touch of sweetness was on the front tip of my tongue, but once again I couldn't tell entirely due to the intensity of the piney hop bitterness. This all lead to an intensely bitter aftertaste.  Still, everything did ease a bit as the beer warmed. The resin flavor actually drove itself to the forefront at this point which I enjoyed. This brew was also a very sticky experience. Lips, fingers and table top. Kind of like that annoying syrup bottle that we all have somewhere in our kitchen.

Overall Rating:  photo RatingIcon1_zps0e61d2c9.png photo RatingIcon2_zpsff51de97.png photo RatingIcon3BW_zps33c6fb82.png photo RatingIcon4BW_zps114f02d0.png photo RatingIcon5BW_zpsa8503bce.png

I love the regular lineup by Lagfunitas, but I've been severely disappointed with two of their bolder offererings. It doesn't help that I'm not Mr. Imperial/Double either. Not exactly my thing. I don't want all hops. I want multiple aspects in a good beer. The stickiness of this also just made it more of an annoyance. This might be a hop head's delight, but I'll stick to the regular Lagunitas IPA.

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