February 24, 2014

Monday Rant: Taproom Eavesdropping

Trust me. The title I've chosen for this post will probably not go in the direction that you might expect it to. Some people out there have a notion that eavesdropping should be considered bad or rude. I'm quite the opposite. I love eavesdropping mostly based upon the fact that I'm good at it. I can pick up conversations from half-way across a bar or office. Not much gets past me. Like my uncle I'm quite astute.

A growler of this, please.
To stop "Rambling On" as the famous prophet Robert Plant once said I'll quickly get to the point of what this post intends. I stopped up at East End Brewing  yesterday afternoon to fill up my two growlers and nab a bottle of the elusive Toaster Imperial Stout. As it usually works out when people go there, the brewery can't legally sell you a pint of beer in the taproom. Still, you can try a few sample glasses worth of whichever brews you very well choose (I promised that I'd work the phrase "very well" into my personal vocabulary).

Sometimes the people that work there talk to some of the visitors/customers that come in. That's a good think. I've met some cool people at breweries. I overheard, or eavesdropped to fit in with the title I chose, a conversation about a beer East End intends on releasing in the taproom within the next week or two. The two words that grabbed my attention? Cream Ale.

I haven't came across many Cream Ales in the Pittsburgh area let alone the craft world. Those two worlds excite me. Why do they excite me? Because of adjuncts. I know many of you hate it, but adjuncts in beer are once again the subject of yet another rant on this blog.

I also rudely picked up another word in the conversation I was listening to - corn. Possibly one of my favorite beer adjuncts. East End has been one of the leaders in the area with using corn in beer. A case could also be made for Straub in St. Mary's. I'd argue that it's close enough to Pittsburgh.

To put it simply, I might be making a trip to East End for a second week in a row if I catch wind of this Cream Ale tapping at the brewery. You can bet the farm that I'll be back on here being an internet tough guy arguing that corn in beer is a good thing.

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