ABV: Five percent
Appearance: Scarlet Lady was a tea-colored amber that also boasted some other red and gold hues. There was an intense bustle of carbonation as soon as I poured it into the glass. The carbonation bubbles helped lead to an off-white moreso beige head which featured some medium staying power and average web'like lacing inside the glass.
Smell: Very floral hop notes. Quite a bit more than I expected. Otherwise, the aroma of this beer was somewhat bland. There was a tad of roastiness, but the scent wasn't strong enough for me to distinguish.
Taste: Asis customary, I got some sweet malt and caramel up front, but just a little of each. That was followed by some fruity esters to compliment the sweetness. The floral hops led to some zing and bite on the back. The finish was punctuated by a pale taste which also lingered into the aftertaste.
Overall Rating:
This was an interesting drink. It's classified as a bitter. So, naturally I was expecting a struggle. It was actually more fruity and malty than bitter in that respect. I was surprised. The hops were somewhat complex. Very floral and bitter. They added an interesting touch. The brew is very attractive. Really carbonated. Attractive as the lady on the label!
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