February 11, 2014

The Hunt for Old Rasputin

When I wrote my post about a few Russian Imperial Stouts and paired them with some John Williams tunes (on a coincidental note his 82nd birthday was this weekend) that get played regularly on NBC Olympic broadcasts I recollected the last time I saw North Coast's Old Rasputin Imperial Stout. It was in the beer-selling cafe of the Pleasant Hills Giant Eagle. If you walk in the cafe door, the Rasputin four packs sit directly on the shelf in front of you.

I cant remember having another stout that featured pretty much all of the traditional stout layers of flavor. Roasted barley, both varieties of chocolate as well as coffee grounds. I have one bottle remaining after sharing somewhat and I might cling to it for as long as I can. The ABV clocked in at about nine percent, but it didn't interfere with much flavor. Still, it was enough to inhibit my spelling ability on Twitter.
It was truly one of the best stouts I've come across. Also, the fact that the beer is named for an important figure in history. I'd argue that there are few beers named for people throughout time that have more debated demises than Rasputin did. It'd be a good debate.

Of course, I drank it while watching Olympic coverage over the weekend. I did miss most of the opening ceremonies, though. So, I missed the hilarious rendition of the Russian police choir singing Get Lucky. Oddly enough, it had a Hunt for Red October feel to it.

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