March 13, 2014

Holy Thursday: The Land of Ice and Snow

"I got a woman that stay drunk all the time." - The prophets Plant, Page, Jones and Bonham

Although it might seem as if the title of this week's Holy Thursday is very reminiscent of the weather we've dealt with in the Northeast for the duration of the past two and a half months, it isn't in my mind. I'd like to think that the title means something in the direction of a good mix of Led Zeppelin and a few beers rather than my traditional made-up, sarcastic and biblical-sounding verses. On a very ironic note, if you know which song that lyric hails from then you get my joke. How about another one from the same song?

"Sunday morning when we go down to the church and see the menfolk all standing in line."

My main reason for today's post is my fear to venture back into an aspect of beer from the past - frozen or frosted glassware. I'm hopefully venturing down to Morgantown, W.Va. tomorrow evening after work. My sister wants me to come and join her at a bar in town called Mario's Fishbowl.

Being the dork that I am I always tend to check out the place online before I actually go. What beers do they usually serve? What's the food like? The usual. Apparently this place is famous for serving "fishbowls" of beer. By fishbowls it looks like giant goblets. At least, that's what I can notice on the place's Facebook page.

They are frosted. Long ago I learned that you lose some of the flavor if your beer is above a certain temperature. That might be the case when and if I get to this place. It's agreed among the fancy beer community that we reserve the right to ask for a regular glass. Not entirely sure what I want to do as of yet. Maybe try it both ways? Been a long time since I ran a temperature experiment. )

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