March 18, 2014

I Don't Believe What I Just Saw

As I've developed an intense itch for baseball to start I find myself having to quote one of the baseball gods, Los Angeles Dodgers announcer Vin Scully to begin this one. I was out on yet another beer shopping adventure recently, but this one wasn't for my own procurement.

On a miraculous note, Cigar City Brewing finally made a foothold in the Pittsburgh market. Fitting for my luck as I recently had a craving for the history geek's dream - Marshal Zhukov's Russian Imperial - around the time of the Sochi Winter Olympics. I haven't seen much of the Cigar City offering yet, but I did come across two cases of Florida Cracker White cans.

On each of the cans within said cases it ordered us to drink as soon as possible and in bold lettering it said "Do not age." I don't think I've ever seen that on too many bottles or cans aside from the Stone Enjoy-By's. I read the can for a second time and paused for a moment to take it all in.

I've always read that hops are to act as a preserving entity. Isn't that why he have the well-known story of of the IPA came to be? Why should we be rushed to drink the beer? The theory is that if we take care of them the beers should remain in decent condition upon being aged, correct?

Still, I think that the notion that hops and beer flavors being delicate is close to being hog wash. Take care of your beer!

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