March 10, 2014

Monday Rant: Enjoy the Festa

I've become such a cynic that I can't even watch the news anymore and I say that as someone that went and got their journalism degree. Society just drives me insane anymore. Part of the escape for me involves beer. Just a little private time with the bottle, the glass I pour it into and the actual nectar itself. Now, when that world gets invaded by the idiocy of the outside world I tend to get a little unnerved.

This weekend was Hunahpu Day in Florida and apparently it was a nightmare. For those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about Hunahpu Day is a beer festival (at least that's what I gather) in which Cigar City Brewing releases the infamous Hunahpu's Imperial Stout, one of the exalted beers I refuse to go after for the pure sake of events like this one. According to a post from Beer Pulse, the event was pure insanity. It was extremely crowded and Cigar City ran out of this liquid we call holy.

The saddest part is people rioted after Cigar City exhausted its Hunahpu. Jesus I hate even typing that word. In the Beer Pulse page I linked, there is also a Youtube video of the moment the beer ran out. Oh, the humanity.

I remember people complaining about it last year, too. My question is why do you keep going to these things? People automatically flock and fight over these beers. Is it even worth it? I mean I'm we're getting pretty lose to Godfather Festa levels here, folks.

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