March 7, 2014

The Session No. 85: Why Do You Drink?

The Session, a.k.a. Beer Blogging Friday, is an opportunity once a month for beer bloggers from around the world to get together and write from their own unique perspective on a single topic. Each month, a different beer blogger hosts the Session, chooses a topic and creates a round-up listing all of the participants, along with a short pithy critique of each entry.

I had a little shard of fun with last month's edition of this blogosphere-wide series by resurrecting the long forgotten Cliiford C. Clavin from Cheers with a little history lesson. And you thought that I gave enough meaningless history tips with my usual posting, huh? For the March edition we're coming in like a lion with this one. Doug of Baltimore Bistros and Brews requests that we offer individual explanations as to why we drink.

I think I have a good response for anyone that inquires as such. Remember that first time you ever saw Raiders of the Lost Ark? The beginning of the film is so mysterious. You saw Indiana Jones for the first time from the back and cast in shadows. You see the two assistants clearly, but had no idea who the figure was they were with. It took around seven or eight minutes to finally see who the hell it was. Therein commenced the first of many adventures that would be passed on to future generations.

I argue that every glass of beer I have is the same way. Every glass that's poured is an adventure. A completely unique adventure. Sometimes I even find myself (and some of you might do the same) recollecting a particular adventure I had with a glass of beer.

Beer is, in many cases, a beautiful thing to look out. There are some great colors that leave us gazing like a child staring into the front window of a toy store the week prior to Christmas. Beer provides us with an awesome colored head of foam in most cases as well. This is also visually pleasing as it usually a complimentary color to the beer's body.

Don't get me started on the layers of flavor we can also experience. Have a stout or porter? Be ready for high dosages of chocolate and coffee. A brown ale? How about some caramel in addition to the previous two?  The list can go on and on. Some brewers even take these flavors to a completely different level by making beers with their respective interpretations or even hybrids of certain styles. It's an amazing world out there.

Every glass is a different experience. I enjoy beer with others as well as pairing some with particular foods. Hell, beer even has the power to remind us of special memories or instances we've encountered previously. Very, very powerful stuff.

Adios Satipo.

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