ABV: 6.2 percent
Appearance: This stout was a very shadowy black color. Almost the same shade of coffee grounds with some flashes of dark brown. It also boasted a dark beige head which foamed up to a height of approximately half of an inch. It had just a smidgeon of staying power. Once it did cave in, there was a brown wall of foamy head stuck to the inside rim of the glass.
Smell: I was able to pick up strong hints of both cocoa and molasses. The chocolate did seem to drown out the molasses a bit.
Taste: This was a very smooth beer. The cocoa was dominant once again, but the molasses did act as a supportive compliment. Also, there was plenty of roasted notes on the back before the finish. Some coffee grounds were a huge part of that roasted flavor before everything went down. Hop interference was minimal as it should be in heavy stouts.
Overall Rating:
This is one of the better stouts you'll find brewed here in the Pittsburgh area. It's called Backstrap Stout after the molasses which holds the namesake used in the brewing process. It's for that reason that I found one single flaw in this. I wanted to notice a bit more molasses! Still a great beer. I'm just picky in some ways. If it's in the title, my mind starts to expect more of it than anything else. It was present, and I do love dark beers with molasses.
Getting Closer - I mentione some number of weeks ago that I intended on changing up how I depict and review brews that I've tried on this blog. I still had to use up the photographs and beers that I've already taken notes on. I'm getting closer to exhausting that backlog of beers. Within a few weeks I should start to roll them out on here. Expect some different angles for the pictures. Maybe even a classic song lyric or movie quote that goes with said brews.
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