ABV: 5.3 percent
Appearance: This beer had a pretty chroma of straw gold once I poured it out. There was also an initial fogginess in the body that faded just a little as everything settled. After that, this had a strong, crisp appearance. There was an average amount of carbonation trickling upwards. This helped form the quarter inch white layer of foam.
Smell: Babbling Blonde gave way to a few interesting layers of aroma. It was slightly sweet as well as fruity with some orange and lemon. This also featured a few hints of grain and grassiness.
Taste: Oddly, this played quite dry up front. A touch of bread and yeast flavor played well with the fruit flavor. Still, I couldn't really place the fruit flavor as I had in the smell. It just didn't seem like lemon and/or orange. More like a handful of gummi candy. I found that just a little misleading. There was also a minimal hop bite on the back which I was pleased to notice.
Overall Rating:
I go back and forth with this beer, but if I had to compare it with something it'd be shortbread. Sweet, yet still has that bread/cookie/cake flavor. Hints of fruit. Overall, I love the color of this beer. Has some thickness to the body. The fruit flavors still wander in and out which has me confused at times in which I'm drinking this.
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