March 5, 2014

Beer Review: Rivertowne RT Lager

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: 5.4 percent

Appearance: This came off as a golden-brown lager with some additional honey-colored hues. There was also what looked to be an orange glow in the deep core of the body. The head was an appetizing shade of cream white. It had a slight layer of thickness, but then faded back into the beer slowly to leave just a thin layer of white and fizzy carbonation. Unfortunately not much lacing was to be noticed.

Smell: This gave off an interesting roasty and peppery profile. The roast aromas were uncharacteristically darker than your typical lager, but in an a positive way. Pair all of that with a mild and floral hop nose.

Taste: I noticed a decent of helping of sweetness on the front of my tongue back towards the mid portions. It was then that the sweetness subsided and gave way to a crackery and bread-like profile. The hop bite was a bit above mild compared to what I noticed in the aroma, but it complimented the dark cracker flavors quite well. Here it seemed like a very classic lager profile.

Overall Rating:  photo RatingIcon1_zps0e61d2c9.png photo RatingIcon2_zpsff51de97.png photo RatingIcon3_zps6147479d.png photo RatingIcon4_zps8072c052.png photo RatingIcon5BW_zpsa8503bce.png

I was a little worried  once the aroma went down a different road than I expected, but everything went just fine. This brew reminded me somewhat of Yuengling Traditional Lager, but this had a few more layers of flavor. Sweet, a little dark and roasty while still having a nice bite towards the finish. A little more carbonation and texture from it can vault this beer to the top.

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